
 What is healing? (1 page)
"The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul. Let no one persuade you to cure the head until he has first given you his soul to be cured, for this is the great error of our day, that physicians first separate the soul from the body." PLATO |


What is meditation? (1 page) Meditation can be a very useful way to de-stress or prepare for a stressful situation. It can help to relax the body and mind and prepare us for the forthcoming day, and help us to sleep. |


 What is reiki? (4 pages) Reiki is a technique for stress reduction and relaxation that allows everyone to tap into an unlimited supply of "life force energy" to improve health and enhance the quality of life. |



 What is herbal medicine? (1 page)
Herbal medicine is a complementary therapy that uses plants and plant extracts to treat illness. There are numerous herbal products available for a wide range of problems, from depression to colds and flu. |



 What is acupuncture? (1 page)
The Chinese healing art of acupuncture is one that can be dated back at least two thousand years. Though its exact age is vague, what is certain is that up until the recent twentieth century, much of the population of the world was uninformed about acupuncture, its origins, and its capacity to promote and maintain good health. |


 What is homeopathy? (1 page)
Homeopathy is a system of medicine that is based on the Law of Similars. The truth of this law has been verified experimentally and clinically over the last 200 years. |



 What is hypnosis? (1 page)
Hypnosis allows you to control aspects of your whole being that normally you have no direct control over. It follows then that Hypnotherapy is well suited to the treatment of anxiety and, since anxiety takes an array of forms, hypnosis can be usefully applied to a wide variety of conditions. Smoking and overeating are the commonest ways of trying to alleviate feelings of anxiety, so it is not surprising that Hypnotherapy is best known for it's effectiveness in those areas. |



 What is shiatsu? (3 pages)
Shiatsu is a traditional hands-on Japanese healing therapy. It can help in a wide range of conditions - from specific injuries to more general symptoms of poor health. Shiatsu is a deeply relaxing experience and regular Shiatsu sessions help to prevent the build up of stress in our daily lives. |



 What is NLP? (1 page)
NLP is essentially a model of excellence and achievement or ‘what works’. It is a set of guiding principles, attitudes, techniques, tools and knowledge. A young movement it’s constantly innovating and developing and is being embraced by all kind of people and professions. |
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