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What is Healing?


 "The cure of the part should not be attempted without treatment of the whole. No attempt should be made to cure the body without the soul. Let no one persuade you to cure the head until he has first given you his soul to be cured, for this is the great error of our day, that physicians first separate the soul from the body."

"Complementary" means to "complete". Patients are helped back to "wholeness" using physical, mental, emotional, vital force and spiritual dimensions of treatment. This approach remains generally in line with the thinking of Plato.

"Wholeness" means that the physical, mental, emotional and vital force are all in balance between themselves and with the spiritual consciousness known as the Soul. The body is, or should be, an expression of the Soul. Healing is the natural way in which all imbalances are rectified so that the symptoms of the stress or illness can be controlled. Sometimes our own natural ability to heal ourselves cannot cope so we need the help of others. Drugs may help in the short term but healing happens separately and this is why it is important to understand the process so that patients can help themselves back to health.


Plato's quote (above) still embodies the best explanation of why the split has occurred between current orthodox medicine and the traditional or complementary approaches.

Dis-ease is on the increase because simultaneously our way of life is being threatened by ever greater pressures. Stress is the most basic factor stimulating illness. Stress is caused by frustration, anger, anxiety, hopelessness, fear, shock, disappointment, apprehension, grief, guilt, hatred, depression, uncertainty, pressure, loneliness, worry, obsession, despair, resentment, noise ad so on. Stress accumulates until it creates inner tension and constricts the muscles. Constricted muscles affect the flow of blood and the functioning of the nerves. These in turn affect the glandular system. The maintenance of our entire physical system is dependent on the blood nerves and glands functioning properly. As they begin to deteriorate, so an enormous array of physical disorders develop.

If we can find the cause of the stress, develop relaxation quieten the mind and discover a sense of inner peace then the muscles ca be eased. Then the constricted veins, arteries and nerves are free to perform properly again. Then the glands ad organs are re-supplied with essential nutrients. Then physical healing can begin.

As we cannot put frustration anger or guilt under the microscope, so orthodox medicine tries to help by bringing relief to disrupted organs and tissues, or by offering sedatives or anti-depressants. But this is not dealing with the cause of the problem. It is the covering of a crack in a wall in the hope that it will go away. To heal on a deeper level, so that health becomes a natural state of being, means dealing with stress and the effect it has had. Obviously a closer liaison between medical professionals and healing practitioners could only benefit us all greatly. Man is not just his physical body, nor is he just a mind. All aspects of his being are intimately concerned with the health of the whole, mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.


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