Why standing up straight is good for you
by emma
Standing up straight does not come easily to many people. There are as many different reasons for this as there are individuals on the planet, although they usually boil down to lack of self-esteem, stemming from judgements made in childhood. These judgements may have been made by a parent, guardian, teacher, peer, or they may have been formulated by oneself.
Why do we judge ourselves? Im sure everyone has an opinion on that subject. Is it useful to judge ourselves? Sometimes it surely is, but not always. I think our self-critic is usually too harsh and that is the reason we dont allow ourselves to stand up straight, among other things!
What happens if we stand up straight?
People can see our faces, which we may or may not be happy about.
We might inadvertently make eye contact with someone, a stranger no less, and then what would we do?
We might give the impression of being confident, and people might think we were pompous and overbearing, which wouldnt do at all
Or does it actually matter what people think?
A very good friend once said to me what other people think of me is none of my business. I am forever grateful for that remark because, frankly, I spent far too much of my time thinking and worrying about what others thought of me. Now my mind is much more under my control and my thoughts are more constructive.
I have found that standing up straight has a variety of different effects:
It gives you a better outlook on life, you can look at things from a higher vantage point and instead of finding yourself in the middle of a problem all the time you can see them approaching and make an informed decision.
It allows you to breathe properly. Oxygen can then be passed into your blood which can then be taken all around your body and brain, allowing it to function effectively.
It helps you stay healthy and pain free. Lots of people hold stress in their shoulders and you can tell by looking if a person holds stress there or not, it doesnt make them more attractive or do them any good. Slouching makes a little platform for the stress to settle on until eventually you feel like you are carrying the weight of the world around on your shoulders. Not to mention your poor neck muscles which have to work extra hard to hold your head up, because you are refusing to put it on top of your spinal column where it belongs.
It makes you feel more confident. When you look confident, you look as though you have respect for yourself and therefore people have more respect for you. If at first this is an act, so what, eventually it will become the truth.
It helps you to respect yourself. Our bodies are amazing, just imagine everything that they do every minute of every day, without rest or reward a lot of the time. If you can make yourself stand up straight it shows you have respect for your body and it will repay you.
P.S. standing up straight takes practice and can be uncomfortable as you may have to re-train your muscles, but its well worth the effort.
Love Em
edited 14.11.2003
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