An experience with reiki
by jon
Between September 1997 and Christmas 1999, I underwent treatment for Hodgkins Disease, including radiotherapy, high-dose chemotherapy, and a bone marrow transplant. Immediately after the treatment, my immune system was very weak, I had lost a lot of weight, and my muscles were also very weak. I couldn't run a few paces to catch a bus without my legs giving way.
About 9 or 10 months after the treatment was completed, my condition was much better, but I would tire easily. At this time my partner Emma persuaded me to try some Reiki from Eimee Kuah, a therapist at a centre called Ability, in Marylebone, London.
I have always thought myself a fundamentally logical person, with an understanding of the universe based upon physical laws which I learned at school, and observation, and with what I thought was a 'healthy' skepticism about anything outside the rigid confines of science. I think that I had doubts about many things which haven't been 'proven', including most complementary therapies.
However, I still think I have an open mind, so when Emma suggested that Reiki might be useful to my recovery, I thought "Why not? I might as well see what it's about".
So when the time came, I thought I would try to be open to whatever happened.
Eimee asked some questions about me and my life, and then invited me to lie on the massage table. So I lay there and settled down, and started to let go and relax. I suppose I was thinking "OK, I'm ready, do it to me". There were various sounds coming from outside the room which were quite hard to ignore at first, but slowly I did relax.
Eimee then placed her hands at various positions around my body, including the back of my neck, the top of my head and my feet. My eyes were closed and I could hear her moving around the room in between applying her hands to the various places.
The effect was that I had a lovely rest - a quiet time with my eyes closed and interesting sensations accompanying warm, comfortable feelings, but that is all that could be said about it, it was certainly not outstanding or amazing.
Eimee then asked me some more questions about what I'd experienced, and I went away after making another appointment for about a week later.
By the next week I had gradually come to the conclusion that Reiki was probably not an "ok, do it to me" type of deal, and there would be some benefit to be had from trying to explore the sensations, be aware of, and follow any feelings which I might notice.
So, the second session started out with a little trepidation on my part, wondering if I would be able to feel anything, or whether it would just be another nice rest. With my eyes shut I waited to see what would happen.
This time we went through a similar series of actions, and I managed to relax much more than before. I felt I had moved into a calm space with no thoughts in my head.
Eventually, I became aware of a slight fizzing sensation on the left-hand side of my chest, which, as I shifted my attention to it, grew slowly and became an intense roaring. I had to open my eyes, and when I did, I saw that Eimee's hand was about two inches above the spot. I was quite startled by this and closed my eyes again to continue the experience. The effect lasted for quite a while - it felt like I was soaking up a stream of energy - and then it slowly faded.
Afterwards, I think I may have said something like "what was THAT?", I had felt something quite unlike anything I'd ever experienced before.
I can't tell you that it was entirely responsible for my continuing recovery, but I do believe it played a significant part. I can also say that it was an amazing experience which led me to believe that there's more to nature than meets the eye.
jon tubmen - jon@binglybongly.net September 6 2003
edited 14.11.2003
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