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The Globular Nebula comes slowly in to view through the porthole of the binglybongly spaceship. Our galactic roadmap has the Spitz clearly marked with a flashing neon arrow and we're coming in to land...

"binglybongly music" happened on Sunday the 21st of September 2003:

Our eternal stargazers, Abs, Fabs, Vicks and Antnee successfully darned the tear in the space-time continuum with the trusty binglybongly needle and thread to bring you all sorts of music that'll put a futuristic pelvic thrust in your sequined spacesuit and some nitro-glycerine in your musical jet-pack.

Click on thumbnail to view a larger image. If you would like a full size copy of any of the images, email pictures@binglybongly.net including the event and the picture number, and we'll oblige. Images are typically 2.8 - 3.0 Mb in size.

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click for map > 

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© productions limited 2001-2008
Registered in England and Wales. No. 04270573.
Registered office: downstairs on the left, 55 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3QQ England