
The people involved with binglybongly productions wish to put more meaning into their lives through the nature of the work they are involved in. This is achieved through self expression and the realisation of creative ideas within a safe, artistic and friendly environment.

The company structure is as flat as possible. The central core is small, with a naturally evolving shape.

Decisions are made collectively among the management team. The interaction within the group and on a larger scale, between anyone taking part in the activities is based on a real, natural, open and organic communication.

We believe that working on this basis creates powerful events with a unique atmosphere.

© productions limited 2001-2008
Registered in England and Wales. No. 04270573.

Registered office: downstairs on the left, 55 Rivington Street
London EC2A 3QQ England

site designed & built by Jon Tubmen

There is two kinds of music, the good and bad. I play the good kind. 

Louis Armstrong

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