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coming events
july 12
barge bash 2
at the
Battersea Barge

images from events
pics of bb spring roll mar 2007

pics of synergy nov 2006

pics of synergy mar 2006

pics of binglybonglye musicke

pics of binglybongly music

pics of the long good saturday

pics of resonance

pics of sonic sorcery

pics of audio alchemy

pics of astral rhythms

pics of a world in your ear

pics of cosmic chemistry

contact us
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Here are samples of posters that have been used to promote some of our events.

click on thumbnail to view larger image. If you would like a full size copy of any of the images, email pictures@binglybongly.net including the picture name, and we'll oblige. Images are typically 2.8 - 3.0 Mb in size.

cosmic_640 world_640
astral_640 motion_640
elemental_640 elbow_640
alchemy_640 sorcery_640
synergy_640 momentum_640
karmic_640 astonishing


© productions limited 2001-2008
Registered in England and Wales. No. 04270573.
Registered office: downstairs on the left, 55 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3QQ England